Hey friends! I hope your week is off to a great beginning!

I was a little MIA all weekend as I unpacked box after box! The new place is beginning to feel like home (even though there is just still so much to put away!). At least I see the light at the end of this tunnel… just hoping it isn’t a train loaded with more boxes!! Hahaha!

Today I am sharing a little piece of fun from my closet and something everyone can enjoy – denim in any and every color!


This summer I have enjoyed colored jeans like never before. I’ve worn the brights, the whites, the bold and the pastels and loved them all!

I love this pretty-in-pink, cropped pair – just perfect for these warmer summer days!!

I think a white top really sets off almost any gorgeous color and this one has the cutest sleeve detail!!

I have my eye on a couple of really pretty colors for Fall! One is a gorgeous wine and I also found a rich, mustard yellow that I absolutely Must have!!

I’ve linked some summer and fall colors below! Browse HERE and let me know if you find anything you love!



~Inspiration For The Heart

This weekend our Pastor spoke about David and Goliath and it was so good!

I know we have all probably heard this Bible story over and over since we were just kids but he added a few really good thoughts that I knew were worth repeating, so I’m sharing one with you today.

He was talking about perspective and he said he heard someone once say that maybe David’s mindset was different than the average.

That maybe some would say of Goliath, “He’s too big to kill.” But David‘s mindset was, “No, he’s too big to miss!” David’s focus wasn’t on WHAT he was fighting because he knew WHO was standing with him through the battle!

Don’t you love that?!! I can think of so many times in my own life when I’ve had to get myself re-focused, trusting that nothing is too big or too hard for God. That the size of the situation is NOT where my focus needs to remain. I MUST remember that God is able in EVERY AND ANY circumstance!

I feel like we all have had “giants” in our lives at one time or another and, mostly likely, we’ll face at least one more challenge before it’s all said and done! The great news is that our perspective in our situation can completely change the outcome!

So as we continue on this week, remember WHO is walking with you and that “With God, ALL Things Are Possible”!

When we see that as a truth instead of just a nice quote, we are then able to truly stand in the resounding strength that only God can supply! There is no question, we will walk better and bolder as we place our trust in Him and turn our eyes on His promise!

Y’all have an amazing day and thank you so much for stopping by!!

~Barbi XOXO

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Photos:  Amanda Lee Photography

“Live Every Day With Attention To Intention, Pouring Your Passion So That You Might Find Joy In The Journey”

This is not a sponsored post – all opinions/reviews are candid and honest, belonging solely to SouthernBlondeChic