Y’all, I can hardly believe it’s December!
My very favorite time of year – I know, I know . . . everyone’s a little crazy and life is way too busy! However, I can never hear to many Christmas songs and would be ecstatic if they made twinkle lights mandatory year round!
For me, it’s a season filled with love and an opportunity to spread a little joy – so I’m so happy the holidays have arrived!!
Today I want to share a really cool company with a couple amazing GIFT IDEAS – VERTELLIS.
Y’all know I am all about building relationships and these unique products that VERTELLIS has created are right up my alley!!
I just love their story . . . The first Game was played with handwritten cards . . . and after a tremendously positive response from friends and family, the three founders decided to start a crowdfunding campaign to be able to make the game available for online purchase.
Within just a few months they were sold-out and struggling to meet demand. Since then the game has become an essential part of many holiday dinners!!
The VERTELLIS mission is to bring people together at a time when we seem to be distracted by technology and ambition. The Vertellis team hopes to make a positive impact in the world by facilitating beautiful conversations and stimulate time offline! HOW FABULOUS IS THAT??!
I love that VERTELLIS creates an opportunity to build better, deeper relationships through their enjoyable game! BUT my favorite thing this amazing company offers is their fabulous journal, Vertellis CHAPTERS!
Vertellis Chapters is the #1 best-selling self-reflection journal in the Netherlands and is now available in the USA! They refer to it as a personal life coach in the form of a book and I absolutely agree!!
It contains a mix of mindfulness & stoicism practices in a non-wishy-washy way and helps you live life more consciously and become more positive in your day-to-day activities.
This journal, diary, and inspirational book will give you that much-needed excuse to sit down, write and reflect on YOUR life.
I have been using my journal for several weeks now and I must tell you . . . it is so inspirational! Not only does it “remind” me to reflect on my journey, it also calls me to action as I prepare for my future! Yes . . . Influencing My Future is the perfect way to put it!!
I look forward to settling in every evening to put my thoughts to paper and it’s so encouraging to flip back through the past moments as I see my future hopes unfold — just so therapeutic!
I think this would be a wonderful Christmas gift and for a limited time, you can Use Code “Barbi15” To Receive A 15% DISCOUNT At Check-Out!!
Grab one for yourself and give one as a present!! Vertellis and Vertellis Chapters . . . there’s no better gift than stronger connections built on deeper thoughts and conversations!
Thanks so much for stopping by my sweet friends! I hope you have a week filled with joy and peace!!
~Barbi xoxo
A Special Thanks To Amanda Lee Photography
This sounds like a fabulous journal!!! And btw, live your Influencer shirt!! Where can I shop that?!