Swiss Eyelash Serum

Happy HumpDay My Friends!  SWISS EYELASH SERUM The BIG DAY is less than a week away and I am honestly freaking out just a little!!   BUT . . .  instead of rushing out the door to jump into what will be one more hectic day, I decided to sit down,...


  Happy Almost Friday My Sweet Friends!   Are y’all as excited about the weekend as I am ?? We are heading out of town and all I can think about is the fact that I am no where close to being packed!! I’m getting so pumped for Christmas, even...

Green Roads

  Well Happy Happy HumpDay!  This is one of those weeks when you blink and it’s Friday . . . and friends, that’s a good thing!!   Have the Christmas Crazies and Holiday How-Am-I-Gonna-Get-This-All-Dones  hit you yet??? I hope not, but for many of us this...