My favorite thing about social media is the relationships that are cultivated. People from all over the world finding that we’re so similar. Different time zones. Different walks of life. Women of all ages realizing we have more in common that we ever could have imagined!

Social media just gives us connection on another level.

Such is the case with us – LauRen Merola Strager @allofthefwords and Barb Brooks @southernblondechic ♥️

LauRen and i connected a few years ago when we were part of a fashion blogger group called #Four4Fashion – each lady representing her own age decade (20s,30s,40s &50s) and sharing fashion from local boutiques around Charlotte. Such FUN!

We met for coffee a few weeks back and decided to revisit an earlier conversatio (BC- Before Cancer) about doing a Podcast together. We picked up that idea again and there Mommyhood2Menopause was born!! And – just to make it clear – LauRen is the pregnant one…. and Barb is screaming her way through menopause😉

I hope you’ll join us each week as we share our daily walk, fashion we love, beauty tips we just can’t do without and so much more!!

We’re excited to invite you to join us and get to know a little bit about each of us on our very first episode of Mommyhood2Menopause – Just Click The Link Below)!! ♥️ #mommyhoodtomenopause #podcast @mommyhood2menopause

Thanks for coming along on our journey and have a FABULOUS Friday My Friends!!

LauRen & Barb
